CRaft Cocktails, Beer & Beyond
Not everyone knows — the right Craft cocktail or BRew paired with the perfect bite can be a religious Experience. Find a favorite or work your way through the list to experience mixology on an all-new dimension.
jamaican me naughty
goslings dark rum / amaretto / spiced apple bitters / lime / cinnamon sugar rim — 13
smoke in mirrors
arette blanco tequila / vida del maguey mezcal / st. germain / grapefruit / lime — 13
black eyed rye
sagamore rye whiskey / lime / blackberry syrup / ginger beer — 13
pom peach potion
arette blanco tequilla / giffard peche de vigne / giffard ginger liqueur / pomegranate juice / Lime -13
sage advice
chicago vodka / pamplemousse liqueur / brown sugar sage syrup / lemon / ginger beer — 11
whiskey toddy (Hot)
it’s a bloody spritz
fabrizia blood orange liqueur / licor 43 / toasted Almond Bitters / prosecco — 12
Too lippy
glendalough gin / dimmi liquore/ giffard abricot / lemon / orange bitters — 14
the eye opener
sagamore rye / mr black coffee liqueur / orange bitters — 15
ee-pah — 9
brother chimp / Bavarian ipa / north aurorasunrise Vallejo — 9.5
half acre / west coast ipa / Chicagodon’t call it a comeback — 9.5
d & g / saison / St.charlesthe knot— 9
phase three / Irish red ale / Lake Zurichhigh draw — 9.5
blind corner / extra pale ale / NapervilleBLUEBERRY vanilla sour — 9.5
church street / sour ale / itasca
golden sun — 8
riverlands / American wheat / St. Charlesbauhaus— 8.5
art history / German pilsner / geneva -
coastal session ipa — 9
sketchbook / 16ozfirst pils — 8.5
hopewell / 16ozhalftones — 9.5
phase three / west coast ipa / 16ozcbumble (island of misfit beers)— 8
porter / obscurity / 16ozhermey (island of misfit beers)— 8
cherry golden ale / obscurity / 16ozTaper — 6
premium beer /blind cornerp3 pilsner — 8
phase three / 16oxwarmest wishes — 10
peppermint mocha stout / phase three / 16ozwell red monk — 9.5
red ale / brother chimp / 16ozcreme — 10.5
double dry-hopped new England ipa / phase three / 16ozgoofy boots — 10.5
Penrose / 16ozprairie path — 6.5
two brothers / blonde aleHefeweizen — 9.5
dovetail / 16ozDaisy cutter— 9.5
half acre / pale ale / 16ozDAYTIME — 6.5
orignal dry cider — 8.5
shacksbury ciderberry rose — 9.5
obscurity / 16ozamerican imperial — 8.5
blake’spineapple — 9.5
obscurity / 16oz -
acid rainbow STONE FRUIT — 10.5
fruited sour / riverlands / 16ozallure fruit punch —9.5
fruited sour / pollyanna / 16ozcushy — 10
MANGO sour ale /old Irving / 16ozcushy — 10
BLUEBERRY sour ale /old Irving / 16oz -
lemon selz-up — 9.5
penrosebushel o apples (contains peanuts) — 8.5
caramel apple ale / phase threevery merry kooler— 8.5
cranberry lemon/lime seltzer / Eagle Parkcoconut lime seltzer— 8.5
three floydspineapple mango seltzer — 8.5
three floydswaves lavender lemonade — 10
riverlands / 16ozFabrizia lemon hard seltzer (low sugar) — 7.5
lemonHighnoon— 9
black cherry or grapefruit -
salty af chelada— 6.5
go brewing / lightnew school berry— 6.5
go brewing / gose (sour)head on — 6.5
go brewing / American wheatsunshine state— 6.5
go brewing / tropical ipafreddies — 5.5
ROOT BEERGrapefruit of the loom mocktail - 8
Grapefruit Juice / giffard gingembre / sage syrup / lemon / club soda
poppy pom pom mocktail - 8
pomegranate juice / giffard elderflower / lime / hop water / ginger beer